Monday, September 12, 2011

Khmer Calendar 2011


  1. What is the future of the Khmer Niggers - when their leader Hun sen is a 4th pass 1 eyed 1 testicled limpdick ?


    But he has 21 Phd's !

    Sample the IQ of Dr Hun Sen with 21 PHDs

    He believes in the concept of a Lighting Oath - wherein lighting strikes the liar !

    Hun sen actually believes in that oath !

    And so do Khmer Niggers !

    This was in 2014 !

  2. The khmer export monkeys dindooohindoo

    But monkeys do maths better than Khmer !

    Are the Khmer losing a national asset ?

    Sample the IQ of the Khmer !

    They feed marijuana to Hogs to make them add weight and become immune to disease !

  3. One of the most rmis-understood and reviled personalities in Khmer history is Pol Pot - the communist educated in Paris.

    Who were the targets of Pol Pot ? It was the Vietnamese Yuon and the "Other Khmer" - on basic principles of exploitation and burden on the scarce resources and society.

    Besides taking over Khmer land and timber ( as a compensation for the war on the Khmer Rouge), there are millions of Viet yuon settled in Khmer land - as traders - and not manufacturers or industrialists. They are also the hidden voters of Hun Sen and the eyes and ears of Viet Int.

    The Viet contribution to the nation of the Khmer is Nil and if the Khmer cannot do, what the Viets do - then the Khmer do not deserve a nation.Even the Rubber and timber goes back to Vietnam for processing.


    The Thais are on the Thai-Khmer border with rice mills and other industries and the concessional power sold by the Thai Grid.Inspite of that,the marginal Thai Population is settled only near the border areas

    The Chinese have built the infra,ports,SEZ,roads and whatever little industry exists in Khmer land.Like in Thailand - the Han Chinese control the trade,commerce, manufacturin etc.Even in so called Muslim nations like Indon-ass-eeah, all that works,from Railways to bureaucracy is due to the Han Chinese

    And then we come to the 2nd evil. The mongrel faced,dark/black skinned ,Frog faced, diminutive,limpet Khmers. These are the DNA and offspring of the Indians. People say I am a racist.

    Plastic surgery can change the colour of your skin,eyes,hair,toes,public hair.....,but he core cranial,facial bone structure and other peculiarities of the human body never change - even in 5000 years.An African and a European can never LOOK like the either.

    Similarly, a South Indian is basically descended from a Negroid ,and is called a Sudroid. A Khmer woman who was seduced by an Indian Limpet Kaundinya - should she be crucified ?

    These mongrel skinned,frog faced Khmers ,linegaed from Indians, ARE NOW OBSOLETE AND A BURDEN ON THE KHMER NATION.POL POT had Chinese/Thai DNA.These mongrels,due to their insecurity and complexes,harp on the legacy of Angkor ....... etc., which is a trait of a defeated and failed race. At the same time,they are also ashamed of their lineage to "Indians".

    History has shown that the Mongol DNA was always superior to the Indian DNA (which is a mongrel DNA - as there is no such thing,as an Indian DNA)

    POLPOT targetted these vermin - Khmers with Indian DNA.If you look at the photos of S-21, you will see these people and the Viet Yuon.

    As time passes these vermin will get morre obsolete and more violent - and will be completely taken over by the Viet Yuon, Hans, PRC and the Thais.

    Basically,every one is waiting for Hun Sen to die.

    Pol Pot was the only man who spotted the verminage in the Khmer nation - which none spotted or spoke about - let alone acted upon.dindooohindoo

  4. How and why did Theravada Buddhism and Hindooism come to Khmer lands - and which culture doomed the Khmer nation ?

    Angkor Wat was built for Shiva and Vishnoo - Satanic Hindoo Gods- with the "Wat mean to represent the cosmic earth" - the towers are Mount Meru,the water is the oceans and the walls are the mountains that are the boundaries of earth - "100% Bogus Dindoo Hindoo Mythology".It is also an evil theology.dindooohindoo

    Then comes Jayavarman the Indian, "who turned his back on Hindooism and became a Mahayani" and tried to synthesise Hindooism with Mahayana Boodheesm (which Huen Tsang could not) - and this was the apogee of the Khmer race (not empire).Integration of two apposite opposites is a sign of sure madness

    As a matter of dialectical distribution,when "Hindooism was doomed in the Indian Shithole",it had "peaked in Campoocheeee and the Cham Yuon Kingdom" (Hence,the Khmer race and kingdom was an aberration of history and thrived only when they were Hindoos ,as they were guided by the Hindoos of the shit hole of South and East India)

    It is sad,But true.

    The Hindoos of India are vermin - but they were, as "a race, far more advanced" than the Yuon,Chams,Mon and the Tais, at that time

    It is an imprint of history, that when "Hindooism was being raped" in Dindoo Land of India - the "Hindoo Bogus Cosmos was built as the Angkor", in Campoochee by Hindoo Limpets (there is no such representation of the Dindoo Philosophy of Earth and the Cosmos in India!)

    The Doom of the Khmer race started only after the construction of the Hindoo Wat - as it is a "representation and architecture of pure evil and satanism" (the anti-thesis of Boodha and Boodheesm)

    The Hindoo King "who built the Angkor was killed by Hindoo Cham Kings"

    After the death of Jayarvarman (like in Hindoo India) "his sons became Saivities", and "destroyed all the Buddha stupas and made them Lingas" - as they were "mad Saivites"

    By the time of the death of Jayaraman,the "Thais and Yuon were Theravadas" and the Mons (From Myanmar) also, were Theravadas

    All these Theravadas then,after the death of Jayaraman, "ganged up and raped" the land of the Campoochee (stole their gold/ silver/ gems/rubies/books and Angkor was destroyed to oblivion and lost to history) and converted them to Theravadas

    Then came in the invasion of the Theravada Boodheesm - Hinayana - and the "doom of the nation of the Campoooheee Limpets started" (The Dark Ages-1431–1863,
    started,when the Thais took over Angkor in 1431)

    Theravada Boodheesm led to the "Death of the DevaRaja" and the "God Kings", and in that "cusp of history" - the Boodheests of Campoocheee started "ruminating over
    their new purpose of life" - and doom soon followed !

    History records that "every nation that adopted Theravada Boodheesm has been doomed" - as under:

    India (destruction of Boodheesm and rape by the Mughals,Turks, Huns,Mongols,Kushans,Afghans,Chinese,Brits and the Portugese)
    Sri Lanka (Civil war,strife,genocide,vassal state of India/China)
    Laos (2 million dead in Viet war,vassal and slave state of China/Vietnam and Thailand)
    Vietnam (raped by the Mongols and Yankii - who killed 5 million Yuon and left oranges,as gifts)
    Campoocheeah (raped by Yuon and Siam for centuries,and then Pol Pot killed off 5 million)

    So,how and why did Theravada Buddhism come to Khmer lands ?

  5. As per the Mahabharata – “the Naga"s – from whom,the Khmer are offspringed (as per their claim), are a "doomed race” (refer Pol Pot) – as per a curse in the Mahabharata – but the “real curse”, is as under :

    The Khmer were “Dindoo Hindoos for centuries” – that is “enough time to destroy the DNA” – even of a Dinosaur
    From 100 BC to the 7th Century AD Campoochee was a “vassal state of the Chinese Kings” – it was called Funan/Chenla – a pure Dindooo Hindoo Saivite kingdom !
    The Campoochee Limpet kings.”called themselves Deva Rajas” (God Sons) and were guided in their Courts, by “Hindoo Brahmins” ,imported from the shithole of India (The Khmer did not read Indian History!)
    Any nation that “runs on Hindooism and Brahmins is doomed” – as per the Rigveda (but the Khmer limpets can neither read Dindoo Indian History nor the Vedas)
    Until the Khmer Limpets were pure Dindoo Hindoos – there was “some hope”,like with the last Dindoo Hindoo King Suryavarman (a Saivite Dindoo Hindoo,who built Angkor Wat) - but Y ? Hindooism was doomed and pillaged in India at that time ? dindooohindoo
